Sunday, 16 December 2007

I have always depended on the kindness of stangers...

I was quite surprised and amused by all the attention my harrowing hair nightmare received, I was particularly taken aback by the offer of a free coiffure from a professional salon.

I was a bit apprehensive about taking up the offer, after all I had just had someone practically defaecate over my head and claim that was what I had asked for.

I bit the bullet. I took the plunge. I dived in at the deep end. I grabbed the bull by the horns. And so on. I called and arranged an appointment.

To my stupendous relief it all worked out and my glorious beauty was reasserted.

Additionally I went back a week later and dyed my barnet blonde because I'm mentally ill. However, I love it. And a drunk stranger in a club informed me that he is a great fan of my do. So that's that.

Did you get the first clue in the treasure hunt? The answer was The Nutcase!

Here is the next:

Where a famous Scandinavian pop group meets
The biggest collection of pickles in the western world,
Take an orange to the counter, and its clue will be unfurled.

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