Tuesday, 10 June 2008

To Drive or Not to Drive

Living in London poses quite awkward transport questions, particularly if you frequently need to leave London or haul loads of stuff around the capital.

I'm originally from Wales, where it was extremely useful to have a car (and I passed my test at 17 so I could drive to college) but when I went to university I lost that privilege. When I say I lost that privilege, what I mean is that I wasn't allowed to take a car with me to my university and when I wasn't looking my dad sold my car.

So now I live in London and I more often than not don't need a car. But I do sometimes. Like when I have gigs in far away places, or when I have to haul props across town. So I joined Streetcar which is a pay-as-you-go car club.

It has served me pretty well, excepting when I have needed to go long distances as they charge by the mile rather than petrol. I have also rented a few cars, which has been OK, but most rental companies charge a young driver surcharge, which makes it quite poor value.

I still think both of those options are considerably cheaper than owning a car in London, but I do wish it was all a bit cheaper, especially considering how expensive public transport is - and how poor it is!

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