Saturday 28 June 2008

Wimbledon 4 Me 4EVA

Wimbledon began this week and it is my favourite two weeks of the entire year.


I love tennis, but by god, I adore Wimbledon.

I think the main thing I love is the fact that the BBC shows it nearly all day, every day the championships is on. I'm sure for some people who couldn't give a fig about tennis then this must be a great inconvenience on their regular TV schedule but I can't get enough of it.

Every year I make plans to go and then I never end up going. Usually because I can't find anyone to go with. This year, however, I have wooed my partner with the joys of tennis and he is now a proper tennis fan. You must appreciate that this is quite an achievement for me as he is quite staunchly anti-sport.

I'm hoping to go this year but unfortunately this has also been one of my busiest late June/early July I've had in some years. I'm currently rehearsing/writing two shows for performances on the 8th, 9th, 15th and 24th of July. This highly impedes on my Wimbledon time.

I entered the public ballot for tickets but never got any, so the only option is to queue because I am nowhere near being able to afford debentures.


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