Monday, 31 March 2008

Giggidy Gig

I've Got 3 gigs this week. That's a lot for me. I don't quite know what to do with myself.

Obviously I enjoy doing them, else I wouldn't do them, surely? but it stresses me out just to think about them. So I don't, and then I'm really under prepared and I stress extortionately.

Some gigs are wonderful. Some are not. Last night was not the best of gigs.

We were doing a set at 'Laughing Stockwell' which, in principle, should be an awesome alternative comedy club. The venue is brilliant, it's just like the room where the backwards talking dwarf from Twin Peaks lived. If you are a Twin Peaks fan, like moi, you will find this both thrilling and quite unnerving.

There were only 7 people in the audience. Sometimes this can result in a beautiful, intimate gig. Most of the time it ends up as a pretty rubbish one. This was the latter.

Because, you see, there were only 7 audience members, and of those 7, maybe 2 were alternative thinkery (clever) enough to keep up with most of the acts, and even if you keep up, you might not find it funny. It was not a barrel of laughs. It was a medium wine glass of laughs.

So, I compel you, if you live in South London and you are clever and enjoy quirky, experimental comedy, to get your behind (plus rest of body and money for entry (£4) down to 'Laughing Stockwell' on a Sunday night.

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